Where Does Universal Moral Order Come From?
Question: If God is not judging, where does universal moral order come from, and standards of right and wrong?
Answer: The most obvious universal moral order is reaping what we’ve sown. The Golden Rule, treating others as you’d like to be treated is not to be ignored at any level. The phrase “universal moral order” seems to assume only one right path, (i.e., option A for heaven and option B for the other place). Remember Jesus said, “in my Father’s house are many mansions.” I see this as a description of there being many different realms of heaven and hell. We put ourselves in these various realms by our choices. James chapter 1 outlines how every good and perfect gift is offered to us from our Heavenly Father, but our choices lead us to various destinations. God is pure love. However, as a former atheist, many years ago God’s grace allowed me to experience hell on a few occasions. These episodes were as if Pandora’s box had been opened randomly during drug use. During each event I was physically and psychologically healthy, but my psyche was suddenly in a realm of hell witnessing horrific torture and suffering. I did not think to ask God for help or pray my way out of it, and if I closed my eyes, the suffering was more vivid. I felt trapped. All I could think to do was run hard with eyes wide open until sober. God did not cast me in hell, but in my ignorance I had turned my back on God and was given opportunities to experience life devoid of God's love, which is hell. Later, when I surrendered my life to God, I found myself in a new life full of Love, Grace and peace.
Right and wrong have much to do with desirable and undesirable societal norms and are rooted in cultural acceptance. Years ago while doing missionary work in the Philippines, Haiti and Mexico, there was the stark realization that local culture made a significant impact on the flavor of Christianity. What is socially acceptable in one culture is rejected in another. One subtle example I remember upon coming home from the Philippines after just six months was the degree of pride observed from several American church leaders whom I knew personally, but had never noticed prior to spending time away. It was the contrast of cultures that opened my eyes to a broader spectrum of right or wrong. (In a future post I’ll discuss a classic example of how European medieval culture impacted the doctrine of salvation.)
Bottom line, Jesus said the most important thing is love.
“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
- Matthew 22:37-40
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