Hello, We’re Glad You’re Here
We are eternal beings having a human experience.
We are licensed and ordained ministers, friends and married partners who focus on the same purpose - to help alleviate human suffering. We’ve studied and applied eclectic spiritual teachings and share a view of understanding and navigating consciousness from oftentimes different perspectives. We offer a unique balance of the masculine and feminine, as individuals, and from a complimentary and loving relationship as a couple.
Our goal is to assist in experiencing greater levels of happiness in life and to share the joy of discovering and experiencing the sweetness of the Holy Spirit within and with one another.
Brian Grandon
Residing at the core of every soul is Divinity. We’re often too distracted by events going on outside of us to go within and experience this radiance of God.
To truly know, is to be…
If we’re doing it right, spirituality is a lot of fun.
I’m not into the glamorized esoteric “woo-woo” distractions that delay the spiritual journey. My hope is to make spirituality real and easy to grasp. Useful Truth ought to be“streetable” and loving.
It’s easy to love people when you know their story. I enjoy getting to know people, it seems like we all have common ground and sharing our lives strengthens community. Let’s build a community and journey together.
Kristen Grandon
Welcome to AwakenMe.Us. I truly look forward to meeting you, and hearing more about your spiritual journey.
My spiritual life is incredibly important to me. Born a preacher’s kid, I remember being a young girl and singing the doxology at full volume as I was filled with love and joy. I began questioning my inherited faith in college wondering how a loving God could send a person to hell forever? I needed to find a deeper truth and began to search and learn. Eventually, I was called to become an ordained minister. My understanding of God has changed over the years, I now understand God as The Source and ground of our Being. God is all that we seek; the Source of all Creation.
The Divine, and it’s ever-unfolding creation, is what’s happening at this moment and this Presence is found within all of us. I am a student of Dr David Hawkins who has helped me understand more deeply the teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha and many others. My faith roots are from Christian heritage. I have a Bachelor’s degree in communication and media, am an ordained minister, and graduate of Unity Institute and Seminary.
I look forward to knowing you more, sharing joy and care as we journey the path of awakening together.