Morning Musings
Written by Rev Kristen Grandon
Open and Real
I have lived so much of my life from the paradigm of perfection. As a child, I believed that if I were perfect, I would be loved. This thought remained an undercurrent in my methods and strategies for living as a young adult. Then after years of life experience and learning from teachers like Brene Brown, Dr. David Hawkins, and through being a minister, I have learned the importance of being real. A perfect minister doesn’t provide a real world example of how spiritual principles actually work. Only by going into what is with vulnerable authentic self inquiry can one share an experience through life’s journey. This Morning Musings blog is created as a meditative journal to openly and authentically share real examples in hope that it may somehow bless you, and provide an example of what it is like to live as a spiritual being having human experiences.
The bottom post was the first written. Reading from the bottom up may give you more understanding as the concepts often build upon one another.

O Holy Night
Lately I have been contemplating “Christ” and what this actually means. Of course we know “Christ” refers to the babe born in a manger over two thousand years ago, and we often use the expression in other ways like the, “Christ presence,” “Christ consciousness,” “Christ mind.” What actually do we mean when we say “Christ”?

The Conscious Journey
The experience of taking off from a storm is such a beautiful and clear analogy of what we experience as we awaken in our conscious awareness. Our spiritual journey follows much of the same process of rising above the confusion and into the clarity of Truth. Read more about how the process of awakening unfolds.

To the Heavens and Back
Have you ever peered into the heavens and wondered about that which has created all that is? Have you ever considered that the Infinite is present and aware of every aspect of your life? Rev Kristen shares what this infinite and finite awareness can mean for our lives.

Experiencing God, Here, Now
“It truly thrills my heart to feel the closeness of the Loving Presence of God that so many people report when sharing about their NDE. How do we allow this connection, how do we feel the Presence of God?”
Rev Kristen shares with us practical ways in which we can choose to experience God as Love and Peace in our daily living experience in this Morning Musing’s blog post.

The Gift of Friendship
This gift of friendship offers unconditional love and is possible for each of us. Love divides our sorrows and helps us to rise up and find a brighter day. I believe this is the Love that Jesus encouraged us to share with one another, because it is one of the most important aspects of living, for it is what makes life worth living.

The Magical Space Between
Inspiration and insight often come, from a magical open space between things. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to remember something once you let go of trying to remember it? The word, interstice, seems to sum up this magical space between that opens us up to what is possible between us.

Healing the Human through the Divine
This post is focused on the mystical healing practice of Jesus as it relates to opening to the Divine Healing Power, and the symbol of the cross as it relates to us and our ability to be healed.

Healing Part 1
Many people are seeking healing but how does the healing process actually take place? Nearly 10 years ago, a medical diagnosis awakened a very real personal need for healing. Today, this one is grateful that extensive tests indicate being clear of the diagnosis. Each individual’s healing journey is unique as are the multitude of factors influencing the path. What is shared here is hopefully supportive to the reader’s own healing journey. This post is focused on the spiritual pathway of healing, synthesizing what has been learned in hopes of assisting another in the healing process on an inner, energetic, spiritual level.

Turning Inside Out
Where am I experiencing this moment from? From my head and the thoughts it is thinking? From my heart and the emotions that it is feeling? From my body and the sensations that I’m aware of? Or from the one inch below the navel. This area has many names one being Hara in Japanese, meaning “ones true nature.” This is also called the Dantien in martial arts and Chinese medicine, meaning the “root of the tree of life.”

Revealing God through the Dance of self-Emptying
How does the dance of self-emptying love really work? More importantly what does the act of self-emptying allow us to experience and open up to? Learn more in this blog post about giving, sharing and Love.

self-Emptying Love
To get and to gain, to acquire and retain, to build and reinforce. It is all strategies to establish a sense of stability in an ever-changing world. Learning how to work with the flow of finances and things can be a conscious act that ameliorates our lives. However, Cynthia Bourgeault in Wisdom Jesus brings forward the concept of self-emptying.

Fresh Air
So much is happening in our world and within the people that we meet. What are we bringing into the moment we connect with another? What agenda and energy is behind our interaction?
We can rest in the moments of our motion; and rest in the letting go of attachment and desire to control what is happening.

Healing the Inner Child
Recently I understood a possible answer to a question that I had held for several days. The question was seeking an understanding to “How the inner child, inner parent (both critical and loving) and the nature of our pure inner Essence work together?”

Understanding Honor
The 4th commandment from the Hebrew Bible says we are to honor our father and mother, but what does that mean? More importantly, how do we honor when the path of growing up was often turbulent?

Experiencing Healing Love
Immerse in an experience of Love. Spend time in the experience of allowing the Light of Love to flow into you, moving through your system and structure, shifting from uncomfortable to more comfortable. Moving you from constriction to greater openness. Allowing the release of fear, the release of pain, the soothing of past traumas. Feel yourself breathing a bit more deeply as the soothing begins to take hold.

What does it mean to awaken?
It seems that the mind is like a small child, always wanting to experience something. Like a toddler that grasps an object and puts it into their mouth to see what it is like. Our mind does the same when confronted with open space, it grasps at the next thought and holds it in mind without knowing whether it is worthy of our time and attention.

“Take Up Thy Bed and Walk”
Last night I was being with the concept of surrendering to Thy Will, during which, a new level of understanding began to unfold. You see, I thought that I needed to do something to access Thy Will, as if there was a larger, higher agenda “out there” somewhere that was trying to be. As I laid there I realized that Thy Will is what is being created in my life experience. Life as it unfolds, is informed by the totality of all that has existed and all that which is beyond existence, the Unmanifest. Okay, that sounds very lofty and far reaching but it is a knowing that feels solid within. All that is, is, because it is a creation informed by depth and dimensions that we can only try to fathom.

Messages from the Infinite
In this first vlog, Rev Kristen shares an experience of receiving a message from the Divine who is the Creator of all things.

From Resistance to Freedom
Free is defined as “not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes; not or no longer confined or imprisoned.” For the record, I want to be happy.

Destruction and Surrender
Feeling my humanity. Not sleeping, “practicing.” Thinking of our departure from a beloved ministry and all that it stirs up within me. I had to keep moving so I got on the elliptical machine to have a place to move the energy of it all.