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Our Teachers
Specific Terms
Steps for Beginners
Our Spiritual Teachers
Holy Spirit
The aspect of God that is immanently experienced by people.
Jesus Christ
Central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion.
(4 BC –30 AD) -
Siddhārtha Gautama The Buddha
Enlightened teacher. Founder of Buddhism.
(c. 5th & 6th Century BCE) -
Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D. Ph.D.
Enlightened teacher, author and lecturer. Founder of Devotional Nonduality.
(1927-2012) -
Ramana Maharshi
Profound teacher of absolute surrender and self-inquiry. (1879 – 1950).
Life Unfolding
One of our greatest teachers is our own life, and the events of our life, which are unique to our spiritual journey.

Definition of Terms
Awakening refers to a direct experience of God by surrendering the clouds that block our awareness of the Presence. We study the teachings of those who have awakened to the experience of God.
We use this term often to symbolize emotions, thoughts, stories, attachments, aversions or anything that separates us from the realization of God’s Presence.
We often refer to Dr. David R Hawkins as “Doc.”
Self with a captial "S"
The Self with a capital “S” means the Divine Essence within each human being or God immanent. It can have different terms from different religions like, Holy Spirit or Buddha Nature, to name a couple.
self with a lower case "s"
The self with a lower case “s” stands for the ego-based identity that sees itself as a separate individual.
"Zip Codes"
There are many states of consciousness. We use “zip codes” as a term identifying the multiple nature of various conscious experiences which are as diverse as the ecology, economy, population, vegetation, etc., of different zip codes throughout the world. One is not better than another.
Steps for Beginners
Join Our Spiritual Community
Meet online for an hour sharing a Truth and learning how to integrate the lesson into our lives.
Schedule a Session
Want to get together and have some one-on-one counseling time, create an time to meet.
Travel with Spiritual Family
Consider traveling with us as we have fun together. Share your interests on where you’d like to go.
Read Brian's Posts
Checkout Christians with Questions written by Brian.
Read Kristen's Posts
Checkout Morning Musings written by Kristen.
Watch a Video
Check out some of our talks on our YouTube channel.