How Can Letting Go of the mind be a Good Thing?
Q: Would you speak to the following quote: “It will be found that the letting go of the mind is actually the greatest gift one can receive.”
A: The quote cited is from, Letting Go by Dr. David R. Hawkins. In his writings and lectures, Hawkins differentiates Mind from mind. Capitalized Mind is God, Divine Mind, Holy Spirit, Buddha Nature or whatever name you are comfortable with that represents immanent Divinity, which is actually closer than thinking. This is our “oneness” with God, because it is God. It is the core and substrate of our existence.
As “thinkingness” controls our decision process we tend to believe that we are here and God is out there somewhere. The common name for this paradigm of separation is called duality. For example, people that initially awaken to God begin the journey in duality, striving to “reach-out” to God, believing there is a great chasm between God and us. This is reinforced by fundamentalist teachings from religions and residue from our ancient instincts. To survive, we must acquire, or starve. Remember the human animal “mind” with its accompanying ego (survival mechanisms), is not much different than the ego of other animals, capable of both killing and love.
Have you had an experience where, for no apparent reason, love radiated out of you to whatever you witnessed? That could have been God immanent. As we grow in consciousness we experience these sensations more frequently and we begin to realize that the type of thoughts that go through our head changes as our level of consciousness changes. Eventually, “when” we get a quantum jump in consciousness, or as I like to say, “a peak over the fence” of duality and see or “realize” nonduality, our lives are never the same. A moment in nonduality aligns our compass and our pursuit becomes completely inward, removing the attachments and fears that obscure this indescribable inner Presence.
Having lived a day in nonduality, the mind went into shock and stopped thinking thoughts throughout that day. Concepts do not exist in this condition. As a result of not thinking, there is incredible, peaceful, inner silence. A sense of absolute contentment and joy radiates from within due to the unfiltered experience of the Presence of Peace and Love. One is guided by Divinity in an unspoken perpetual understanding and acknowledged by a wordless, “of course … of course.…” If there is something to do, it is an obvious knowingness and thinking has nothing to do with it. There is such an inner silence one can sense or hear a humming “om” radiating from vegetation. If one looks upon a tree, one can feel the respiration of that tree, feel the nutrients being drawn up from the ground and the sap flowing through the branches. The barriers have been erased and there is complete union with whatever is witnessed. There is also an indescribable sense of being home.
So, letting go of mind, begins with this process of dis-identifying with the human ego as our true nature and embracing Divine Mind. Letting go of habituated thinkingness and allowing our everlasting Essence to emerge. The Divinity within will survive longer than these bodies, longer than the earth or the universe. We are eternal beings already. We can let go of seeing ourselves as a body. We “have” a body, but it is not our true identity! It is merely the car we get to commute in for the duration of this particular visit to earth.
Be passionate for God, not old habits. Consider letting go of the ego “mind” and surrendering to Divine “Mind.” If for no other reason, Divine Mind is way more fun!!
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