Why Did Jesus Die? Part 2
Original Christian with a Question: Why did Jesus, the Lamb of God, die for humankind?
Due to the complexity and embedded theology from 2,000 years this response will be a long answer which we have subdivided into segment posts.
Part 1: Historical and Theological Perspectives
Part 2: What if we back up further in history? The Temple and Jewish Practice of Sacrifice (This post)
Part 3: Ancient Theories Influence on Modern Translations; Taking a Look at the Original Greek and Aramaic Words and Translations
What if we back up further in history?
The oldest text in the Hebrew Bible is Job, which is almost 4,000 years old. From this primitive depiction, God and Satan have a bet on whether or not Job will turn away from God if he experiences suffering. God basically said, Go for it, but don’t kill Job. Then Satan murders Job’s entire family, livestock and all but a few of his servants. This story was an oral tradition, handed down for countless centuries before being penned and eventually canonized. This, like many ancient texts, are mythical metaphors, embellishments, created stories, to reflect a facet of a teaching or principle, not factual events. Unfortunately, many in our western, scientifically trained culture tend to take things literally. It is a matter of fact, both the Old and New Testaments contain redactions and additions. The New Testament also has obvious redactions due to the numerous inconsistencies from the earliest manuscripts.
The Temple and Jewish Practice of Sacrifice
Archeologists have found that sacrificial sites are common in most ancient civilizations. Animal, and sometimes human sacrifices were made as a means to assuage the wrath of the gods. Is it possible that an infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God could be subject to human type emotions and actually lash out in anger? Is it possible that some of our Hebrew ancestors created a god of anger and jealousy based on their own human projections and used storytelling to bring order to a fledgling society? I am a Christian and I have faced these questions, because the Lord of my experience has always been love, peace and eternal patience, never impatient, jealous or angry. I believe Jesus described God as Heavenly Father to elevate us from fearing God to realizing we are all beloved children of God.
What if there was no linkage to ancient animal sacrifice, due to the inclusion of the Old Testament? “Sacrifice” would then be understood to be like when a firefighter loses his life while trying to save the lives of others. There was no need for the firefighter to die, but merely the willingness to risk danger to rescue another soul. There would be no price to pay, but what King David wrote in Psalm 51:16-17 describing his contrition after he committed an egregious offense against Uriah. He admitted to God how sin offerings had become merely a transaction for transgression that lacked remorse, “For you have no delight in sacrifice; if I were to give a burnt offering, you would not be pleased. The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” It’s all about the condition of the heart. Are we functioning out of devotion to God, Love and Truth, or satisfying our desires? When we err, it is sufficient to have a decent regret and turn away from repeating that error and follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ.
The primary reason for sacrifices since the days of the Tabernacle, was to support the Levitical Priesthood. The tribe of Levi was sustained by the tithes of grain and animal sacrifices brought to the Tabernacle, since Levites could own no land to farm and support themselves. Their role was to be entirely devoted to being the spiritual leaders for the entire Hebrew society and the society’s obligation was to support them.
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