Experiencing Healing Love

Take a moment to truly look at the art above. Do you see the Light of Love written within the body? The writer was so moved by this art that it became an experience within. Here is an invitation, allow yourself to feel this post as an experience in your body as the writer guides the process unfolding within you. Read or listen to the post below.

Lying down, feeling the body relaxed and open, seeing the Light of an invisible pen beginning to slowly write the word “Love.” Feeling the Light permeating my body, soaking into my cells. Another loop of this invisible pen dancing within me, leaving a trail of Light, of Love to infuse me. Looking beyond the surface of matter, below the past structures of pattern, to the energy of Life Itself. Love, Love, … Love …. Loving …. Energy …. Flowing into me …. into my arms, … into my legs…. into my abdomen …. into my heart from my Soul. “It is well, … with my Soul….” Echoing within me… “It is well, with my Soul…” The song and lyrics have been singing themselves from my lips unknowingly for several days and nights now. 

Seeing the Light leaving Its trail inside me, scripting the flowing beautiful “L” moving into the round circle of the “o” maneuvering up then quickly down to a “v” and drawing into the joyful loop of the “e.” Love, written over and over again within me. The “ink” Light brings healing energy as it moves within me. Energy. Loving, healing Energy, infusing me, bringing compassion and embrace to those areas long left to discomfort. 

This must have been what Myrtle Fillmore did, this must be what healed her. It wasn’t a typed affirmation on a sheet of paper she picked up as she left the sanctuary. No. It was something alive in her, something that illuminated the darkness of the prognosis of tuberculosis. Something so Powerful, so Present that she turned her attention to it. Not a passing thought that she had to stick on her dashboard or mirror. No, it was something much deeper, much stronger, much more alive than that. It was a Knowing a glimpse of a new comprehension that shone into the darkness, into the pain. A glimmer of something so beautiful that drew her into It, that her heart wanted to spend time with, to marinate within. I imagine her drawing up a chair, sitting down, turning to the Light, wanting to breathe it in, wanting to ferret into find the Source of the Light, the Source of this Love. Awakening into the realization, “I do not inherit sickness.” That is not my destiny. 

There is no thing that dictates my continued suffering. I am Light. My inheritance is Light. My destiny is Love. For I come from the Light and Its energy is Love. I am Its creation, Its emanation, Its daughter. I have not been forgotten, left behind, unloved and hurting. There is so much more, so much more love, so much more compassion. Coming to me, coming into me, flowing from the Invisible into the vision of Light ever unfolding the energy of Love. It is an experience. An eternally unfolding experience. 

Time spent in the experience of allowing the Light of Love to flow into me, moving my system and structure, shifting from uncomfortable to more comfortable. Moving it from constriction to greater openness. Allowing the release of fear, the release of pain, the soothing of past traumas. The Loving Compassion of the Ever Present Loving feminine to embrace, to hold, to be … glowing into the darkness. Breathing a bit more deeply as the soothing begins to take hold. Finding the breath feeling the release as it breathes me a bit more deeply. The sweetness of release. The softness of compassion. The tenderness of love. (Stillness). (Time spent here marinating, bathing, allowing, welcoming, releasing.) 

This is what brings healing, whether to Myrtle or to me. It is alive. It is within me. It is Loving me. I merely need to turn my attention to It’s Presence, enfolding in Its Power. Allowing it’s Compassion to carry away the pain, regret, missed opportunities and renew those held patterns within me to create anew. To create something new. Something more alive, more dynamic, more who I really am. Something Lighter, happier, freer. Something less rigid and regulated. Something more joyful, playful, curious and kind. Something that sees myself and others through soft eyes. The Light of caring compassion brings to me greater understanding, greater vision. Something that softens and expands my heart out and open. This must be the wellspring that Emily Cady wrote about, a spring of Light that is coming up from inside of me filling me, to the point of overflowing from me as it expresses. Pure joy, pure Light, pure Love.

This is what must have filled Myrtle, what drew her to this practice because it was so intrinsically rewarding she must return to It. To feel It fill her. To illumine her. It wasn’t a faith in a book, a lesson from a class, a new thought that she had to remember. No it was pure honey, golden sweet, warm, soft, ecstatic honey. The Honey of Life Itself loving her, lifting her, illuminating her. Freeing her. Renewing her.

It is the Energy of Life living within me as the stirring in my belly. The breath that eases and relaxes me. It is the release in my shoulders. The softening of my racing mind. It is the opening to a deeper understanding, a sinking into the Silence. It is a literal transmutation of the way it has been into a way that wants to come into Being. A surrendering into, a letting go of the ego’s dynamics of predict, judge and control seeing the tangled knotted-ness of all this mentation and sinking beneath it, below it to something more solid and sound, more permanent, more pure, more pervasive, more profound. Letting go of the lesser for the greater than, developing over time through practice in the Presence which brings trust in the very nature of Creation unfolding at this moment. 

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Kristen Grandon

Rev Kristen Grandon is an ordained minister and after graduating from seminary, served Unity Worldwide Ministries for 12 years much of that time as the Executive Director of Communications. In 2017, Kristen married Rev Brian Grandon and they became co-ministers of Unity Church of the Hills in Austin, Texas. Currently, Kristen and Brian live in northern Florida and are co-ministers for AwakenMe.Us, an online ministry focused on awakening to life-transforming Love.


Understanding Honor

