Healing the Inner Child
3 Aspects Within: The Inner Child, Parent and Essence
Recently, I understood a possible answer to a question that I had held for several days. The question was seeking an understanding to “How the inner child, inner parent (both critical and loving) and the nature of our pure inner Essence work together?”
I saw a visual image illustrated in the photos below. The dynamic is actually nonlinear so it isn’t a perfect expression of what actually is happening, but it was helpful to this one to comprehend the aspects of the interaction between the child, inner parent (first critical then healthy) and our Essence.
The Essence becomes a child, then learns from the parents
The Source of all Existence, our inner Essence, is like the radiance of the sun shining forth in all directions. We, as a creation of the Creator, begin life on this planet as a child. This child shines forth the Essence of our Being. As time passes this impressionable little one, goes through experiences, learns, grows, and creates strategies. Some of this is helpful and some is not. Our parents play a key role in the methods and strategies that we create within our psyche, and become internalized messages within our mind that are sometimes critical. When we look out upon the world from the critical assimilated messages, the inner child often goes unnoticed with needs unmet. These unmet needs become unconscious drivers in our strategies to navigate the world, our actions then become methods to meet our unmet needs.
The critical inner parent looks toward the world for satisfaction and is driven by the unmet needs of the inner child. Somewhere along our spiritual journey, we may realize that we’re coming to the world from the unquestioned critical inner parent perspective learned as children. What is actually needed to support our healing is to question the unhealthy messages learned as children. Then we can begin to develop a heathy inner voice that considers our inner needs and is supportive to our growth. Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is an organization that helps those who have had challenging childhoods to realize and heal from the internalized critical parental voice. ACA also helps one to learn to become a healthy adult.
“The unhealthy inner parent looks toward the world and is driven by the unmet needs of the inner child. What is actually needed is to question the unhealthy messages learned as a child and to have a heathy inner voice that considers our inner needs and is supportive to our growth.”
Healing begins when we turn our attention to the inner child, and to the child’s past pain and trauma which is stored within the energetic body. This focus of attention helps to bring healing and is the beginning of our healthy inner adult voice. It is from this more conscious, compassionate place that we can embrace the child and hold it in our embrace, encircling it with our conscious awareness and our deeper spiritual Essence. It is as if the healthy loving parent is holding the inner child, encouraging it to rest into the deeper embrace of the Source of our Essence.
The healthy parent is our conscious awareness, looking back into ourself, into our inner child, asking what it needs and embracing those needs with love and compassion. This eases the inner conflict, the inner tension, which allows the child to begin to relax. As the old wounds and messages are released through loving compassion, we become free from old messages that cloud our True Essence. Then the inner innocent Being can once again shine forth through us, healing and revealing our well being. Bringing forth greater experiences and expressions of Love for ourself and for one another.
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