How do we practice acceptance?

A: I think it begins with accepting yourself. I’m a believer in having a photo of yourself as a young child in a highly visible place, like on your desk. Seeing your innocence, curiosity and naiveté. Look at your own hero’s journey, what you’ve been through. Have empathy for yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. Realize that you’ve done your best and express your love to your inner child. The next practice is to do the same into a mirror. Say, “I love you. You are doing a wonderful job. You are a wonderful person.”

If we can appreciate ourselves, it’s easy to appreciate another because we can empathize with their journey, since they were so similar to that innocent and beautiful child we were.

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Brian Grandon

Rev Brian has a Master’s Degree in Divinity, is an ordained minister. He was the senior minister at Unity Church of El Cajon and co-minister with his wife Rev Kristen at Unity Church of the Hills in Austin, Texas. Rev Brian currently works at a prison as the Wellness Specialist and co-minister for AwakenMe.Us.


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