How is the Universe a mirror?
Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider
This is kind of similar to the previous post’s question. When devotees of Ramana Maharshi asked him, “What can we do to save the world?”
Maharshi’s response was, “Nothing, because the world you see doesn’t exist.”
Many years ago I heard Steven Covey say, “We see the world, not as it is, but we we are.”
Jesus said, “Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?”
Our limited perspective blinds us to what the universe truly is. The speck we perceive in the other person probably isn’t even there; it’s often our own stuff projected onto them! From my own experience, if I am patient and don’t point something out (unless it’s spinach in Kristen’s teeth) and rather bring more love into the situation, I discover all is well and my early opinion was all about nothing. Early in my faith journey, immediately after my initial encounter with Jesus Christ, I realized that there isn’t a problem that couldn’t be solved with a little more love. Patience and love are marvelous mirror adjusters.
As long as we have our ego, avoid giving much credence to our opinions, for they are distorted and quite near-sighted at best. Therefore, what we see in the universe around us is a mirror of what’s going on inside of us.
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