O Holy Night
This is the season where we celebrate the birth of the Christ. Lately I have been contemplating “Christ” and what this actually means. Of course we know “Christ” refers to the babe born in a manger over two thousand years ago, and we often use the expression in other ways like the, “Christ presence,” “Christ consciousness,” “Christ mind.” What actually do we mean when we say “Christ”?
“Christ in you, the hope of glory.” - Colossians 1:27b
According to Biblestudytools.com’s Greek lexicon, “χριστός” (chrīstós) was used in the Christian Bible to indicate two things:
consecrating Jesus to the Messianic office, and furnishing him with the necessary powers for its administration
enduing Christians with the gifts of the Holy Spirit
So consecrating and enduing (“endue“ means to provide with a quality or ability) are both a processes of being equipped with something greater. The meaning of “Christ” is providing one with the quality or ability of the gifts of God.
What is the action that gives us these gifts?
Let’s shift gears a bit then we’ll circle back to the Christ in a moment. Let’s explore a little about our brain’s activity. According to Clarke Bioscience.com Brainwaves Explained, “Alpha brainwaves relate to creativity and daydreaming, Beta waves are produced in the middle of deep thinking, Delta/Theta waves can be found during deep sleep, and Gamma waves are associated with problem solving, happiness, and compassion.”
Our normal problem solving Beta brain is what we are most often utilizing in our daily life. The beta brain uses facts and associations to create stories, beliefs, assumptions, and often judgements. Sometimes we get caught in these judgements which cloud our ability to access greater understanding. Often times the stories we tell ourselves use our energy and generate emotions that often drain us. Let’s call this resistance.
We all know that If we don’t sleep at night we will go crazy. Missing just one night’s sleep while traveling, or a restless night, can make one feel mentally foggy. It is necessary for us to let go of our daily beta-level awareness so that we can go into the deeper states of consciousness. Healing takes place when we sleep. When I was diagnosed with cancer years ago, the most important thing that I found to assist in healing is sleep. Could it be that we untangle our thoughts, our energy, our emotions as we go into the mental states beyond Beta?
Meditation takes us into Alpha which relaxes us and our attachement to our judgements, centering our awareness and accessing greater creativity. It is through sleep that many in history were often able to solve problems and gain breakthroughs for inventions. It was in dreams that Joseph knew to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt for their safety.
Could it be that the Christ mind is one that is completely free from resistance? Could it be a mind that temporarily surrenders the beta-level awareness and opens and attunes to the frequencies of a greater Consciousness? Free from the resistance of our habitual way of thinking we are open to the Christ consciousness which is aware of the Presence of Divine energy, wisdom, renewal, and inspiration. This opening equips us with the ability to solve problems, experience happiness and be compassionate. Could this be the purpose of prayer and meditation, even sleep?
“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”
- Philippians 2:5 NRSVUE
Through letting go of our habitual mental processing, often accompanied by resistance, we are given access to a greater awareness which equips us with what is needed to live free from worry, aligned with the Divine Mind which knows what is needed. Through relaxing our thoughts we open our awareness, we are equipped with the Consciousness available through the Christ.
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