The Conscious Journey
Flying Through a Storm
Waiting for a flight in an airport socked in with weather, it’s dark, and wet outside. The gate agents load the flight and passengers get on board. We take our seats as the baggage handlers load the plane in the rain between the droplets of water running down the window. We’re invited to sit back and relax as we taxi for takeoff. A quietness falls upon the cabin as we take the active runway, the engines roar to life and the thrust pushes us back into our seats. The raindrops begin to run at an angle and then practically sideways as the plane soars into the clouds. Guided by instruments that see what can’t be seen, the pilots confidently move through the weather in contact with the tower guiding us safely through our takeoff. We climb, turbulence shaking the plane. Soon we poke through the clouds, and all is calm, the rain is left behind in an ocean of white. We are flying through a clear blue sky. The sun is miraculously shining, the precipitation on the plane dries quickly. We can now see for hundreds of miles as the sun illumines the sky bright blue; the flight is now smooth, and the cabin is calm.
All Storms Are Not Physical
The experience of taking off from a storm is such a beautiful and clear analogy of what we experience as we grow in our conscious awareness. The Map of Consciousness created by Dr David R Hawkins shows how our consciousness is similar to the experience of taking off from a socked-in airport. Below the level of courage we are in the soup of the clouds of our own confusion which block the radiance and clarity of Truth. Here we get lost in the mental anguish of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride. Tears run rampant as happiness is only experienced at a fraction of time and is usually as a fleeting experience. Here is where many on our planet live, struggling for survival, believing they must fight to live, struggling for existence, carrying around the weight of the past and trying to make it through another day.
Courageously Breaking Through
Courage is required to break through the storm of the lower levels of consciousness shared above. As we become confident and stand in honesty with transparent authenticity, we gain an orientation to something higher that is guiding us in Truth. We may not yet be oriented, our eyes may still be wet with tears, yet we are accessing a new way of being in being honest that allows us to break free from the habitual unconscious ways of living we have previously experienced. We become willing to look at what is happening, focusing on what needs to be cleared up within our self, our behaviors and choices, and what needs to change in our environment. We begin to see it, speak about it and take action to do things in a new way. This moves us up in our consciousness to becoming neutral, willing and eventually accepting. Continuing the climb, we eventually move into reason, love and joy. Each step moving us further from the clouds of confusion into the clarity of greater happiness.
Navigating Consciously
The process of awakening to greater peace and happiness is a reality. Just like pilots have tower control to guide them, we have teachers who can show us the way. These teachers have proven pathways to navigate us out of the unhappiness of our life. They coach us with great love on how to let go of what doesn’t work, and show us the way into ways of being that do work. These pathways lead to the same destination albeit some may have an area of specialty on the pathway to clarity. Buddha is a teacher vectoring many through the pathway of un-attachment, Jesus lights the path out of confusion and into the light of salvation. More recently Dr Hawkins, PhD, MD and spiritual teacher, synthesized many spiritual pathways and showed us how it all fits together as we move out of confusion and into clarity.
A Clear Path Ahead
The important thing to know is that there is a way to awakening from pain and suffering to the clarity of peace, joy and happiness. The second important thing is to find your teacher, the one that will guide you on your pathway where you are at in this part of your journey. The final important thing to do is to have courage and be on the journey. Don’t settle for sadness, when there is joy waiting.
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