Experiencing God, Here, Now
True Confession, I love hearing about NDE’s
I love hearing about people’s experiences of what happens after a person experiences death. This may seem a bit morbid to many, but to me it is a glimpse into a greater understanding of why we are alive. Learning about these experiences gives me perspective and helps me see that this life is temporary. It helps me to also understand that we are here for a very clear purpose and that each of our souls has the opportunity to spiritually evolve and to learn to love. It truly thrills my heart to feel the closeness of the Loving Presence of God that so many people speak about when sharing their NDE. When I focus on this Love it warms my heart space and expands the energy to a feeling of happiness and joy. As I continue to focus on this feeling it continues to expand, feeling like Joy is spilling forth from my heart.
Sacred Connection
I pray for about 30 hours a week, working as an online prayer associate. There are many that I pray with during this time which is such a sacred and beautiful experience. In a few minutes I hear authentically what is happening in their lives and we take that into prayer, becoming centered in our awareness of God the provider of all that Is. Together, we hold their prayer request from a higher perspective. In this process, things shift. Pain and fear are released as they become more centered, often I hear a deep releasing breath, as peace begins to unfold. An alignment with a deeper, more powerful truth begins to dawn in awareness and that opens our consciousness to a greater possibility and freedom being experienced. This is the power available when we turn our attention to God in prayer.
“The experience of the presence of God is available and within at all times, but awaits choice. That choice is made only by surrendering everything other than peace and love to God.”
- Dr. David Hawkins, Eye of the I, pg 48
My husband shared the first part of this quote with me many years ago. During a Dr. Hawkins book study, I read the second part of the quote which tells us how we choose to experience God … only by surrendering all that is less than peace and Love to God.
A person who experienced an NDE shared they didn’t want to come back to their life. They wanted to stay with the Loving presence of God that they felt during their NDE. God responded, I am in your life also and could be just as much if you would allow it, you’re the one that closes the door. She wondered how and why she would be closing the door. After contemplating this, she believed that one may not be truly sure there is a God, and without a lot of spiritual experiences they may not be aware of what they are missing. One of the last things she took back to her life was, “God wants us to allow the relationship, to allow the connection.”
Feeling God’s Presence
How do we allow this connection? How do we feel the Presence of God? By turning our attention to It. By choosing It rather than focusing on the negativity in this world. Choosing to pray instead of worry. Choosing beauty instead of graphic visions of violence. By choosing loving, and caring thoughts about another instead of judging them. By choosing kindness and patience instead of fast completion of a task. Through choosing to truly see someone and smile, sharing good will with them and a sense of compassion for their journey whether they be someone asking for money on the street or a someone in front of you moving very slowly. We choose to experience God when we allow the person to cut in ahead of us when driving, or when we send a prayer for the accident we see on the side of the road. There are as many moments to feel Divine Love and Peace as there are moments in the day, but as Dr Hawkin’s says, … the experience awaits our choice.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”
―William Hutchison Murray
So today, instead of waiting for our death to be with God, in each moment let’s choose to lean into the direction of love and peace. Let’s allow our hearts to be present with the beauty of what is around us. Let’s choose to allow the experience of God to fill our hearts, minds and actions. It could be the beginning of experiencing exactly what we’ve always wanted.
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