To the Heavens and Back
Focusing our Attention
An astronomer focuses the telescope by choosing a heavenly body to be viewed, selecting the right lens and adjusting the focus until the object becomes clear. A microbiologist prepares a slide, adjusts the microscope to the appropriate lens and looks through the scope to see the object come into clear view. Whether near, or far, the same process is taking place - selecting that which is to become the focus of attention, and then aligning, adjusting, and focusing to clearly view the heavenly or microscopic view.
The Heavenly View
Much of my life I have been focused on the heavenly view, that which happens once we die, as well as the internal compass of my true “North,” ceaselessly focusing my attention on the Divine. Whether seeking guidance or deeper understanding, God has been the Light in the night of this human journey, guiding and directing, lifting and inspiring, giving hope and the Source of renewal and healing. My perception focusing on God and pointed toward heaven.
The Human View
Yet as I lay awake at night I wonder about the microscopic view. Does the Eternal look into the most detailed and temporal aspects of life? Does the Un-manifest focus on the particle?
What created life on this planet? This one is certain that in the full-spectrum, it wasn’t a volitional self-created experience. Whatever created, continues to create this life, and is beyond the human ability to completely comprehend.
“Closer is He than breathing,
and nearer than hands and feet.”
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The Vast Eternal is present in the human. Think about that for just a moment, where does the consciousness that is reading this come from? What is seeing through the eyes and comprehending what is written? The Eternal is Present in, and aware of, everything … without exception.
This Means:
Every minute detail of my existence is Known. Matthew 10:30 says, “And even the hairs of your head are all counted.”
I do not need to tell God anything, for it is fully Present in all that I am.
The True North that I am always looking for is here, now, and is completely aware of every aspect of my human existence.
This means a Greater Perspective is available to me as I am living my human experience, if I choose to be aware of It.
All of this combines to help me to know that God knows me, knows what talent and skills I have. If there is a place and a way in which this one can be of service to the world, it will unfold and I will be guided to it through the Ultimate Wisdom that knows all things. It also means that in every moment, I am choosing either my way, or choosing from a Greater Awareness/Perspective.
There is Divine Guidance available to me in each thought I think, each word I say and in each step I take. In each moment, I can focus on this guidance and adjust to the greater option which will lead me in the path of my soul’s purpose. When I am aligned with the intention and Higher Perspective of God, I am able to see more clearly what is before me. What was perviously unclear is now made visible.
When the human nature focuses on God, the Divine Presence guides and inspires Its creation to become what it is capable of being.
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