Healing the Human through the Divine
In Healing Part 1, we shared the pathway of coming into an understanding of spiritual healing, and (more importantly) the practice of bringing our Conscious awareness to what we are experiencing. This practice opens the energetic flow within us. This post is focused on the mystical healing practice of Jesus as it relates to opening to the Divine Healing Power, and the symbol of the cross as it relates to us and our ability to be healed.
As a child, I learned about the miracles that Jesus performed. He healed the sick, blind, lame, lepers, as well as those with mental, emotional and spiritual illnesses. People would go through drastic measures to get a person to Jesus, go great distances, so that the sick could be healed. What was it that created this drastic healing shift experienced in Jesus’ presence?
This question remained as my spiritual exploration led me to many spiritual teachings and teachers. As I learned more, the symbol of the cross came to symbolize more the method of Jesus’ execution, rather than a revered religious symbol I knew as a child. However, on Easter morning in 2006, an epiphany revealed a much more alive and significant understanding of the cross. I was driving to church when I noticed a white cross in the median where a person had passed away. Someone had put a t-shirt on the cross, probably one worn by the individual who had died there. In an instant of seeing the t-shirt on the cross, I realized that the cross is not just a 2,000 year old method of Roman persecution but also a very personal symbol of our own human, and spiritual, nature. Moreover this symbol is encoded with the very practice of Jesus’ life teachings and points us into the direction of experiencing spiritual healing.
The Encoded Spiritual Meaning of the Cross
The vertical bar of the cross, represents the Divine, I Am, Presence within each individual. This is our Life, once this Life is gone the body and clothing remain unmoving. Think for a moment, “what is moving my body and t-shirt now?”
The horizontal bar is the human plane of existence of dualism that registers everything that is happening as either “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong,” what “should” or “should not” be happening.
When we judge what we are experiencing, we are living from an awareness of the horizontal spectrum of desirable versus non-desirable, from a place of restriction/constriction or attachment/desire. When we stay in the center of an experience, not judging or labeling just being with it, the energy of Life flows into the situation. Herein lies the power of opening to what is. From this relaxed, open, calm, aware state; the I Am presence which is the Source of everything has an opportunity to flow into the moment. This Presence brings with it compassion, and love which is healing. This Present Awareness detangles and renews the heart, mind and body.
Being Present With What Is
Present Awareness is not dualistic, it does not judge, rather it simply radically accepts, and is with, what Is. Being with what is unfolds when we surrender of our positionalities, attitudes, judgments, willfulness, make-wrongness, and self-righteousness. It requires devotion and dedication and commitment to remain open, and allow Love to flow into what Is. Through remaining centered, present and open; Compassion and Love enfold us.
This spacious open awareness brings forth love for our bodies, and for what they are feeling, sensing and experiencing. Through open Conscious awareness for our mind and its thoughts (and emotions that are generated from the mind's thoughts) we can begin to see where we made assumptions and misunderstood. This sets us free as we align with a clearer understanding.
This Conscious practice is an openness, a relaxed, soft surrendering, to that which is the Source of all existence, and a trust, faith in, and devotion to, being in love with what is. This is the state of trust and faith complete and profound, surrendering all to that which has created this moment as Life Itself, unfolding. Radical, open, Awareness frees us from the dualistic human mind to an Alive, receptive embrace of what Is, fully as it Is.
Healing is really the process of releasing the mind and its stories and its belief systems and programs and sinking into a greater state of Awareness. This Awareness stands at the gateway, the sweet spot of our heart, where our Divine nature and our human experience meet. Allow that Eternal Loving Presence of that which is the Source of life itself to flow into the human experience completely, without any layer or level of constriction.
This is how Jesus healed and did the miraculous. He wasn't limited to the human finite mind or its judgements, he was open to the Ultimate Awareness, a greater Understanding, a greater Love, a greater Power than we in our human state of consciousness had accessed.
This is the encoded message found within the cross. A symbol of that which is within us, the human horizontal spectrum of what we want and don’t want, what we perceive as desirable or undesirable, as good and bad, success and failure. Always pulling us in one direction and avoiding or ignoring the other. Jesus did neither, but remained in the center of this moment of Creation, centered in the experience with the leper, the blind man, the lame, sick and suffering. He remained clear and Present bringing with him a compassion and openness to a Higher Power. He brought the I Am, that I Am to each person he met. That is what opened the healing flow of Life into another thereby opening them to experience healing. It is our experience of this Presence that is the faith that heals us and sets us free.
“Then he touched their eyes and said, ‘According to your faith, let it be done to you.’”
- Matthew 9:29
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