The Magical Space Between
Inspiration and insight often come, from a magical open space between things. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to remember something once you let go of trying to remember it? Have you ever been taking a shower, and suddenly an idea pops into your mind solving a problem you’ve been facing? The space between thoughts, relaxes the mind and allows something greater to flow in. As a speaker and student, I’ve realized over the years that the research and learning are part of the process of preparing (for a talk or test), but the real gold unfolds when I go to sleep and let go of the concepts. It is in this relaxed, open, receptive place that the ideas come together and gel. When a chef makes bread, they add each ingredient, then mixes and kneads, but only after the dough rests can the yeast leaven, making it delicious and enjoyable.
The Interstice
The word, interstice, seems to sum up this magical space between; here’s a definition:
interstice noun in·ter·stice
1a: a space that intervenes between things especially : one between closely spaced things interstices of a wall b: a gap or break in something generally continuous
2: a short space of time between events
Could it be that the space between is actually a bridge between the Un-manifest (Divine Presence) and the manifest (human experience)?
When we sleep at night, we let go of our daily experiences and enter into a dream-land that allows us to rest, refresh, and restore; renewing us for another day. If we don’t sleep we will go insane. Similarly, when we pause for a little while and turn our attention to prayer and/or meditation a greater peace allows us to relax and open to comprehend a greater understanding of our human journey.
The Gold Between
In the open space between, we become available to something greater shining through. When we let go of what we know, we open to a greater awareness of what is possible.
In the forest, the sun shines through the space between the leaves giving life to the the forest floor below. It is the space between the letters you are reading that allow us to read them. The power of taking a breath gives us a greater sense and experience of freedom and renewal. The pattern interrupt breaks us free from what was and reveals what can be.
Getting to the Heart
There is a similar, incredibly powerful space that exists between our human and spiritual nature. The human journey is full of earthly demands and obligations (working, caring for self and others, home, finances). The deeper spiritual nature is where meaning and comprehension orient us on our journey. These two aspects connect in the space of the heart.
The Interstice between Us
The art of being in conversation with another, especially one who has a different view than our own, can can often be difficult. When we feel threatened, it is easy to close down and disconnect.
What if, we could do this in another way. What if we remained curious about the space between us and what might emerge as we explore the possibilities of what connects us? When we come together with another person of a different opinion, what if we remained centered in our heart, open and honest (lovingly) listening, open to understanding them, and also sharing with them what we understand. What could unfold if we remain curious, open, clear, honest and kind?
The open place bridges what is to what can be. In the interstice a wound can begin to heal within us and relationship can begin to mend. Our hearts hold a Divine healing magic that, when open, is able to flow through us.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”
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